Leaving a legacy

The following stories are from people who have experienced the transforming power of Jesus in their lives during visits to CCHC.  They all explain why it is so important that the healing ministry of the Centre continues.


Don and Marilyn’s Story

Don and Marilyn first encountered Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre (CCHC) 38 years ago. They now reflect on the impact CCHC has had on their lives and why they plan to leave CCHC a gift in their wills.

Don`s story

Don and MarilynAfter I was demobbed from the RAF, I knelt by my beside and said to the Lord "What does my life mean. Why am I here?" Within about 2/3 weeks of my prayer, someone at work came to me and started to talk about spiritualism. Despite my initial concerns, they sent me a couple of books on the subject. It wasn`t until later that I understood the dangers of spiritualism and communication with the dead, which is prohibited in the Bible (Leviticus 19:31).

In spite of being a Christian of long standing, having been baptised by full immersion and taking communion, it was then 25 years later that disturbing things started happening at night. Sleep evaded me, despite taking sleeping pills, for 6 months. My washed-out appearance didn`t go unnoticed and in the end my church minister suggested I should go to Crowhurst.

After listening ministry, with the Revd Jim Challis and Revd David Payne, I was annointed with oil and prayed over. Sadly, I felt no different after the ministry and returned to my room with a clear plan to take my own life. It was, whilst still in my bedroom, at CCHC that I felt the whole atmosphere in the room suddenly change, it was as if some wonderful presence was there. I saw a white light, within which was a white cross, also there was a light humming above my head. I don`t know why, but I started to count. When I reached 20 everything returned to normal and I had been healed. I experienced my first sound sleep in 6 months and have had no re-occurrence since - praise the Lord!

"Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre is very close to me, because there the Lord gave me back my life and that means everything to me"

For these reasons I feel privileged to leave CCHC a legacy gift.

Marilyn`s story

It was in the third year of our marriage, on Don`s first visit to CCHC that he was given back to me by a miracle of healing by the Lord. We have been coming almost every year since. The listening ministry, the rhythm of the sacraments, worship, prayer and teaching have enabled me to receive forgiveness, restoration, deep healing and strength from the Lord for the onward journey of life.

Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre is a safe place overflowing with God`s love and we have seen friends changed, healed and empowered there.

"I wish to see it flourish and continue so that more folk can find wholeness in Jesus"

Thus, we have decided to leave a legacy gift as a small token for all we have received.


Phil and Suzie`s story: 

Phil took some persuading at first, but now he cannot keep away:  we`ve visited Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre 15 times together over the last ten years! We know of no other place like it: CCHC has become our spiritual/family home, a place of the transforming love of Jesus, and somewhere that is very hard to leave.

Whether in a conversation in the lounge, laughter at meal times, the words of a talk, the peace of the chapels, the inspiration of the art room, walks across the fields or the gentleness of ministry, here we experience the love, acceptance and presence of God.

We have clearly encountered God here directly on numerous occasions and in various ways: one morning, because of building work, we were the only guests here. Chaplain Steve Gendall conducted a simple Communion for us in the small chapel. Afterwards, the three of us just sat in silence for 10 minutes or so, sunbathing in an extraordinary and palpable sense of peace.

In Phil`s words: 

"Special place; special people; nowhere better to be this side of Paradise. We have left a legacy in our wills so that others might also experience the loving, transforming presence of God"


Colin and Diane Crook explain why they are leaving a legacy to Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre:

Colin & DianeWe first came to Crowhurst in 1992 to a five day course on healing. At the end of it Ray Jones, the then Warden, invited us into his office and asked us to do a placement here. From that moment on we felt part of the Crowhurst family and have played an active part in the life and work of the place.

The joy for us has been seeing God at work in the lives of the people that come here. It is truly `a thin place` where heaven and earth meet. We have witnessed physical, emotional and spiritual healing take place. We have witnessed reconciliation and forgiveness, and have known fears to be overcome.

Over the past 27 years we have experienced the highs and the lows.

"We have seen the enormous grace of God at work and blessings flow from it. We have seen when the Finance Manager had no money to pay the staff at the end of the month, or the bills that were coming in. Then a legacy has appeared just at the last moment to exactly cover the costs."

We discovered early on that God`s work done in his way is always resourced. He uses people just like you and us to do it. So when we last revised our wills we have provided for the first 10% of our estate to come to Crowhurst as soon as the second one of us goes to be with the Lord. It is in thanksgiving for the myriad of blessings that He has showered on us at Crowhurst and to help His work here continue.


Pat`s story:

I have been coming to Crowhurst for almost 30 years!  It was recommended to me when I first became a Christian and it has been a place of great blessing for me, on a continuing basis.  Whenever I have visited the Centre, Jesus has always done something new in my life:  sometimes big things, sometimes small.  In fact, the Lord did say to me once “it is your filling station”.

When I hit my 70th birthday last year I felt it was time to review my will.  With horror, I realised I had not included Crowhurst as a beneficiary.  I immediately rectified that as I figured the Lord would want Crowhurst to be honoured for all the great work it does.  I do urge you to consider including this wonderful place of God in your will – it doesn’t have to be a large amount – just give what you can.  Every little helps.

For your encouragement  I am showing below a wonderful scripture the Lord showed me several years ago:

“ ….. for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! (Assuredly not!)”

 (Hebrews 13:5 Amplified Bible)

If you would like to support our ministry please view the following documents to find out how or phone the office on 01424 830033.

Investment letter

Legacy brochure

Legacy policy