Soaking Prayer
Having dedicated prayer partners wrestling against the spiritual forces of evil on behalf of the Healing Centre is wonderfully reassuring. This week we are further blessed as we have many of them with us as they seek God's heart for the Centre and benefit from some time away from their busy lives to soak in God's presence.
And soaking is the focus this week. Steve explains what soaking prayer is:
In the healing ministry the idea of soaking prayer is an extended period of prayer where time is given to allow God to be poured into the person needing prayer.
Steve encourages us to give real time to God to allow Him to soak into our wounds, diseases and memories that need healing. "There must be time for Him, just to love Him and to have Him love us, no other agendas, no shopping lists or prayer requests." (Carol Arnott taken from her Catch the Fire website).
As water saturates a dry sponge, changing its very nature and appearance until it naturally overflows, so soaking is about being soaked and doing soaking. To enjoy and experience God's loving heart one fills up (being) and the other allows the infilling to be poured out (doing).
To use the words of St Paul; "Let God fill you to the measure of all the fullness of himself" (Ephesians 3.19). Or to use our modern day speak; Be soaked in God's presence.
This message was added on Wednesday 4th March 2015