A Quiet Day for Ash Wednesday
Take some time on Ash Wednesday to begin your journey through Lent.
A time to be, no demands or expectations
A time to be still, open to God’s loving presence
A time to know, and let God be God, in our hearts as well as in our minds
At the centre of our day Eucharist will be celebrated - a time to give thanks for all that God is to us. The day will include an opportunity to commit your Lenten journey to God, offering Him all that you hope for and openening yourself to all God's hopes for in you.
You may choose to receive the sign of the cross in ash upon your head or hands which reminds us of the offering of our lives to God, our being joined to Christ in His death and resurrection and our being sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ’s for ever.
Both the morning and afternoon reflections will be focussed on coming, ‘Just as I am’ and considering what our lives might look like when we allow God to be God in them.
Led by Canon Clare Edwards - Canon Pastor at Canterbury Catherdral
This message was added on Wednesday 27th January 2016