The Promises of God
This type of image reminds me of Sunday School and Holiday Club. I remember being given stickers with "Smile Jesus loves you" or "God keeps His promises" if I remembered my Bible or (less often) when I recited the memory verse.
I can picture the Sunday School hut we gathered in and the Sunday School teachers who were faithfully there every week discipling, teaching and praying for us. I have fond memories of Holiday Club making peppermint creams, singing `Be Bold, Be Strong` and dressing up as a scarecrow with an uncomfortable plank of wood posted through my shirt and across my back to hold my arms up!
I also remember giving my life to Jesus at a very young age as a result of a Sunday School lesson. Kneeling down next to my doll`s cot one Sunday after Church I asked Jesus to come into my heart.
At the end of this month we open our doors for our second Christmas themed Families Weekend in 2019. The house will be festooned with Christmas decorations including a blow-up tree at the entrance. Christmas jumpers will be pulled on, in the face of August temperatures, and children will be laying down life-long memories and hearing the good news that God loves them. Please pray that like I did all those years ago, those children (and their families) will open their hearts to Jesus.
Appropriately, we follow the Families Weekend with `Festival Recovery.` If just the thought of human hungry-hippos, custard pies, life size junk-modelling, camp fires, games, craft and high energy teaching exhausts you, you will understand why a bespoke retreat is so important for Children`s, Youth and Families workers. With a heart for prayer ministry and seeing the power of God move in people`s lives Daniel Miles will be leading the retreat again. The focus this year is `The Promises of God` – maybe Daniel should give out those old Sunday School stickers "God keeps His promises!"
This message was added on Tuesday 13th August 2019