Quiet Day - Hearing God in our sickness
- Speaker:
- Suzanne Owen
Quiet Day - Hearing God in our sickness
Would you like to hear what Jesus said to sick people, or to those in captivity or poverty?
The Prophet Isaiah pointed to a new world where God would speak into and radically change the lives of people who are sick, in captivity or poverty.
Jesus announced that the new world had arrived with Him in Nazareth as He reads; ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach and to proclaim ….’ (Luke 4.18-19 from Isaiah 61.1-2).
We are running three Quiet days to explore what Jesus said to the sick, the captive and the poor and how that impacted their lives.
Each day is a stand-alone; book all three and the third is half price.
We believe that Jesus is the same today, yesterday and forever. Today, Jesus still speaks into people’s lives causing radical change and giving us a foretaste of the new world He introduced. One day, soon hopefully, His new world will be fully revealed when Jesus returns in all His glory and on that day there will be no more sickness, or captivity or poverty.
Quiet Days are an opportunity to receive and reflect on the input from our Chaplaincy Team. To enjoy Christ centred, Spirit led worship. To be quiet in what is far too often a very noisy world and to enjoy good homecooked food and refreshments. Why not arrive early and start the day with breakfast.
Join us in person at CCHC (10am - 4pm). Price includes morning refreshments, a 2 course lunch, afternoon refreshments & cake and use of the facilities here, including our fully equipped Art room.
Alternatively, join us online, via Zoom.
12th May Hearing God in our sickness
28th June Hearing God in our captivity
8th Nov Hearing God in our poverty
£30 per person to include refreshments and a 2 course lunch.
£10 per person online
Book all three and the third is half price.
COVID-19 important information:
We at Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre will do all we can to ensure that CCHC remains a safe place for residential guests, visitors and staff. Please help us to keep you safe by following these simple measures:
At CCHC, we will ensure public spaces, including the chapels are well ventilated.
Face masks and face coverings: we are no longer advising the wearing of face coverings, but all guests and visitors who wish to continue wearing a mask are welcome to do so.
If you feel unwell, please do not visit CCHC either as a residential guest or visit Howard’s Well.
If you test positive for Covid, please do not visit CCHC as a guest or a visitor
If you are staying at CCHC and develop symptoms of Covid, please let the office know as soon as possible, and if you can, do a lateral flow test, (we encourage you to bring a test with you!). If the test is positive, we reserve the right to ask you to return home.
Continue to practise good hand hygiene, using the sanitisers provided.
Please expect our daily rhythm of worship to be different from what you have experienced at CCHC before.