A Space to Remember
- Speaker:
- Revd Steve Gurr
In preparation for the journey into Holy Week, A space to remember will offer us an opportunity to reflect on the losses that have been, and are still significant to us. This may be about remembering before God a loved one who has died. Or it may be about having a space to consider prayerfully other kinds of losses experienced and how these impact on life. Our morning together will give us time to pray for a greater sense of the Lord`s accompanying of us as we face the future.
The time will include a service of Holy Communion with a brief thought for the day, as well as time for personal reflection, prayer, remembrance and a chat with someone if you`d find that helpful. Please feel able to come to whatever part of the morning you`d like to, or all of it.
If you would like to, please feel free to bring a photograph, or another (smallish) item that can be placed on the chapel altar throughout the morning to represent the thoughts you carry into this day.
10am - Gathering and introduction
10.30am - 12pm - Time for reflection and remembrance activities (coffee available throughout)
12pm -1pm - Holy Communion
1pm Lunch available at Howard’s Well if desired.