Quiet Day - Stillness in the temple (our places of worship)
- Speaker:
- Rev Steve Gendall
We are therefore delighted to welcome you to participate, either in person or online, in 3 quiet days at Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre where we will encourage each other to step aside from our normal routine into a quiet place.
From that quiet place (quiet rather than silent), we will look at ways to find stillness in our hearts, in our world (17th May) and in the temple (28th August) – all places that can be noisy and busy.
Quiet Days are an opportunity to receive and reflect on the input from our Chaplaincy Team. To enjoy Christ centred, Spirit led worship. To be quiet in what is far too often a very noisy world and to enjoy good homecooked food and refreshments. Why not arrive early and start the day with breakfast.
Join us in person at CCHC (10am - 4pm). Price includes morning refreshments, a 2 course lunch, afternoon refreshments & cake and use of the facilities here, including our fully equipped Art room.
Alternatively, join us online, via Zoom.
£30 per person to include refreshments and a 2 course lunch.
£10 per person online